Thank you for your interest in our available A10-0239-001 Power Supply parts that is listed with the NSN 6120-01-655-4131. This particular A10-0239-001 NSN part has been manufactured by Harris Corporation with the CAGE Code 14304. If you would like to purchase this particular NSN part, or any other available item on NSN World, feel free to fill out and submit an RFQ form as provided below. When you provide us information regarding your desired part number A10-0239-001, quantities, and target price, our team members can quickly formulate a quote that specifically caters to your individual needs and requirements as closely as possible. Additionally, team members are always available for customer needs 24/7x365, thus responses to quote requests will be furnished in as little as 15 minutes or less.
NSN World is a leader in part procurement, and we are your sourcing solution for Harris Corporation parts like NSN 6120-01-655-4131 and other CAGE Code 14304 parts. National Stock Numbers, or NSNs, are 13-digit numeric codes that are used by NATO countries to identify and classify standardized material items of supply. With over 2 billion items in stock, NSN World is your part procurement solution for NSNs that have been sourced from top global manufacturers that we trust. Get started on the purchasing process today and see why customers steadily rely on NSN World for all their operational needs.
"We proudly support the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund which aids United States Military personnel experiencing Invisible Wounds of War: Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Post Traumatic Stress (PTS). For additional information, please visit the website to help with their valiant efforts.” |
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